American adolescents feel art is "feminine," and wouldn't be caught dead" drawing flowers on a vase." He said America is the only country where art is felt to be unmasculine. A Milwaukee bachelor sued Frommes Method Hair & Scalp Specialists for $1,000,000 damages because of extreme & embarrassing enlargement of his breasts, which specialists told him came from estrogen hormones rubbed into his scalp, in hopes of reducing a bald spot. Ridicule of fellow workers had forced him to quit his job. Frommes spokesmen said they hadn't heard of any other case reacting that way to their treatments 31 menarrested in raid of St. Mark's Baths in New York. Charged with disorderly conduct for sex acts. Four, pleading guilty, fined $10 to $25. Others to trial. NY POST reports, "Cops Padlock Baths After Vice Raid." Reader tells us place open next day. THE LAWS

A recent resolution from the American Civil Liberties Union on HOMOSEXUALITY & CIVIL LIBERTIES, read, in part: "It is not within the province of the Union to evaluate the social validity of laws aimed at the suppression or elimination of homosexuals... however... homosexuals, like members of other socially heretical or deviant groups, are more vulnerable than others to official persecution, denial of due process in prosecution, and ENTRAPMENT...We will support the defense of such cases that come to our attention. Some local laws require registration when they enter the community of persons who have been convicted of a homosexual act. Such . . . laws . . . are in our opinion unconstitutional. We will support efforts for their repeal or proper legal challenge of them.

The A.C.L.U. has previously decided that homosexuality is a valid consideration in evaluating the security risk. factor in sensitive positions

One question: Would it be within the province of the Union to evaluate the social validity of laws aimed at the suppression or elimination of Negroes, Jews, or Jehovah's Witnesses? Of course it would. Then why not homosexuals?

From the NY POST (courtesy NY Public Relations Chapter of the Mattachine Society) an item on workings of New Jersey's Sex Offenders Law since its passage 6 years ago: Dr. Paul Tappan, former chairman of Fed. Parole Bd., criticized the strict and hysterical sex laws enacted in 20 other states since 1935 and praised the N. J. plan allowing parole in most cases. Sex offenders are examined by psychiatrists, then recommended either for parole, or for committment to a mental institution for a period not to exceed the prison term they might otherwise have received. Committment comes in cases where the offense is likely to be repeated, or where it is marked by violence, or involves a person under 15. Sodomy being one of the included "offenses," it still remains questionable whether the mental institution can generally cure those judged likely to repeat the "offense."

American Law Institute's 34th Annual Meeting in Wash., May 22-25 expected to consider Tentative Draft #6 of their Model Penal Code which will ultimately be submitted to Congress and State Legislatures. Copies of Drafts #1-4 available from Institute at $6.50. This contains their historic recommendations on relaxation of law on sodomy.



RUTH M. FRIEDMAN was born in a little white house on a hill, the year Lindbergh made his famous flight. "Which may account, somewhat," she says, "for my being usually in the clouds." She writes us that "life" has educated her and "it is NOT a parochial school. I invent stories," says she, "that reveal the various ghettos of it (life), in hopes to have them abolished like slums."